24 Year Reunion

On Friday, June 10, 2011, I saw on facebook where my nephew, Jonathan Grannon, was attending a Houston Astro ballgame in Houston, TX.  I thought it strange that he was that close to Wildwood that he didn't call to see me since we've not seen each other for over 24 years.  We have spoken in the last couple of years but no face to face.  On Saturday, June 11, 2011, I received a text from him wanting to know if we could meet up in Beaumont, TX for lunch.  Of course I was elated at the thought of getting to "meet" my nephew and his wife and two girls.   So the planning was on and we decided to meet at Carrabba's in Beaumont for the long awaited reunion.   We left church a little early so we could make the arranged meeting on time.   We arrived at Carrabba's with a 15 minute wait and then my eyes beheld the long awaited reunion of Jonathan, Darcy, Carson and Ella Grannon.  WOW   What a time we had getting to talk and try and catch up on 24 years.  

Christy and Jon
 Carson, Christy and Ella
 Joel, Christy and Jon
 Christy, Jon and Darcy
Ella and Carson
Ella, Jon, Carson and Darcy

After 3-1/2 hours in Carrabba's we parted ways and decided we would not wait 24 years to see each other again.  Darcy slightly informed me that they would be in Hot Springs, ARK the weekend of June 23-26, 2011.   Plans again were being made and text were sent with our plans to be in Hot Springs.
